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Blockspace Quality

In a world where blockspace is cheap, what differentiates various blockspace? The answer is simple: blockspace quality.
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Accelerated Timelines

August 04
The assumption that crypto operates on software startup timelines is the root of crypto’s problems.
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Distinguishing zkEVMs

December 28
EVM compatibility is a continuum. There are two major approaches: language compatibility and bytecode compatibility.
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From ARPANET to web3

November 23
The internet as we know it today is the result of decades of research and development. ARPANET, the precursor to the internet, was created in the 1960s by the US military and designed to be a secure and reliable communication network for the government. Universities and research institutions then adopted this technology in the 1970s and used it to share research and connect with colleagues around the globe. In the 1980s, the US government liberalized this technology, allowing commercial businesses to connect to the network. Finally, the commercialization of the internet in the mid-1990s saw the birth of the modern internet, with widespread access to personal computers and the rise of online service providers such as AOL and Prodigy.
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PBS: Neutralizing the Dark Forest

October 12
PBS is still an active area of research, but this comprehensive post aims to aggregate and summarize where research is so far- and where it’s headed.
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A Eulogy for Bitcoin

September 13
The most monumental update in blockchain history since the Bitcoin genesis block is upon us: at TTD 58750000000000000000000, Ethereum is switching to Proof-of-Stake. With it comes a 99.5% energy use reduction, finalization of the dynamic supply mechanism introduced by EIP-1559, as well as setting the stage for future updates, including sharding.
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The zkEVM Sweet Spot

August 19
Vitalik’s recent post on classifying zkEVMs prompted discussions over specific implementations but did not dive into the best implementation.
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Exploring Zero Knowledge: StarkWare

February 11
In my previous post in this series, we went over zkSync and the zkEVM. Let’s go over StarkWare’s ZK rollup solution, which uses STARKs instead of SNARKs.
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Content Library

February 09
Last updated September 21st, 2022